Vera Cruz Village Bid Due 10/05/21 @ 3PM

                                              VERA CRUZ VILLAGE, A HOUSING AUTHORITY PROJECT 
 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: New construction of 30,706 sq ft, 4 stories, 1 story grade level parking/podium deck, 3 stories above podium residential.  Consists of 29 residential units, 28 studios & 1 single bedroom, Common Area and offices.  Type IA Construction @ parking garage; Type VA @ residential units. 

This IS a prevailing wage project.

The applicable trades: All trades.

INSURANCE: Bidders shall provide the following insurance minimums: commercial general liability insurance products, completed operations, waiver of subrogation, protective coverage with non-owned & hired vehicles; $2 million each occurrence. Additional insured and hold harmless per endorsement CG 2010 form 1185 or equivalent, comprehensive automobile liability and Workman’s Compensation Insurance, including waiver of subrogation, for at least $1 mil each occurrence.  


BONDING: Performance and labor bonding may be required; costs will be added to your proposal


BID DATE:  Tuesday October 5, 2021 @ 3PM 


Email your proposals to or

 or fax to 805-648-5875.



Steve McGillivray for specific questions about the plans or the project

David Immel and Lauren Lestrange for general inquiries

 (Russ is on Break)



Plans and Specs can be viewed in our office plan room at 3140 Loma Vista Road, Ventura, CA 93003. 

Plans and Specs can be downloaded by clicking the green button at the top of this page.